Grogan Football League


The Football League
League Rules
League Fees & Prizes
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Offensive Scoring

Touch Down Run =6
TD Pass =6
TD Catch= 6
TD Fumble Recovery =6
TD Kickoff/Punt return =6

Each Full 25 yards passing =1
Each Full 10 yards rushing + receiving combined =1
Field Goals 17-44 yards =3
Field Goals 45-49 yards =4

Field Goals 50+ = 5
Kicked XP =1
2 Pt Conversion=2

DEDUCT  1 point for Interceptions  

Defensive Scoring

Each Sack, Interception, Fumble Recovery =1
Each Safety =2
All Touchdowns =6
0-235 yards against =5
Shutout =15

2 to 5 pts given up =10 

Defense MUST be on the field when points are scored.

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